11th July 2015

Clearing Process

The Clearing Process

The clearing process was created by Sandy Leven Lundy an amazing healer and Course in Miracles teacher. The process involves 3 stages of addressing an issue. In this the coach holds the space in a non – judgemental, and safe way. The clearing coach is able to represent the higher selves of the person or people involved in the issue so as to facilitate a dialogue.

Stage 1

This involves releasing all negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs associated with the issue whether from the past or present. Issues could be related to people, situations, experiences, traumas, and other life challenges. This is the stage to really let go of how we perceived what happened and say what we need to say. This is our Ego interpretation of events.

Stage 2

In this stage we correct the ego’s interpretation of events that we are the victim of what happened. We project onto others the judgement that they are responsible for the feelings we have. We in fact create those feelings based on how we think about ourselves. It is a process of self – forgiveness correcting the ego’s perception that someone or something was to blame. We accept that as spiritual beings we cannot be affected by any event/experience unless we choose to be as all events are neutral. We have called these events to ourselves as learning experiences.

Stage 3

This involves forgiving ourselves for forgetting that all involved in the process are spiritual beings and as such are expressions of the same divine energy. We are all equal and as such connected in love and light.

By following the three steps and using the structure as laid down traumas, distressing memories, childhood difficulties, and more can be cleared effectively. It is amazing tool and could be used in conjunction with other techniques. For more information please see www.sandylevey.com

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