11th July 2015


Havening for anxiety

Havening is a simple and effective way to remove feelings arising from traumatic experiences quickly. The method was developed by neuroscientist Dr Ron Ruden and is classified as a Psychosensory therapy.

Dr R. Ruden discovered that by applying a firm slow stroking movement to the upper arms, palms and face changes to the brain chemistry happened after a traumatic event had been stimulated. This change resulted in the removal of the emotion/distressing thoughts arising from the memory of that event.

It was found that traumatic events are encoded by a chemical reaction involving attachment of receptors to neurons in the Amygdala part of the brain which translates into an emotional response such as experiencing discomfort/anxiety/fear. The Amygdala is a part of the brain responsible for many of our emotions and motivations especially those related to survival. It determines what and where memories are stored and how high an emotional response an event invokes. Neurons are cells which translate information by electrical and chemical means.

Havening when applied alters that chemical response by the production of Delta waves in the brain which stimulate enzymes that are able to strip off these receptors from the neurons. This results in the ‘turning off’ of the trauma and its emotional content. The Havening touch is accompanied by the use of a distraction technique such as ‘walking on a beach’ to prevent continuous stimulation of traumatic event. Counting out loud is used to accompany visualisation to focus distraction away from initial thought about trauma. The technique can also involve humming of a tune and some lateral eye movements after Havening touch has been applied to complete the process. Havening touch removes the

negative effects of a trauma from both our body and psyche. It is about changing the electrochemical landscape of the brain from one of susceptibility to trauma to resilience

Havening can be used to reduce and remove panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, fears, trauma (such as natural disasters, serious accidents, vicious animal attacks, sexual or physical abuse) post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) , stress, compulsions, bereavement, guilt, shame, anger, and distressing memories.

Havening can also be used to reduce or remove nervous reactions that occur when in public speaking, or in other social situations and build up confidence.

Havening can be used to remove unwanted excess emotions that may have arisen from experiences such as guilt. It can be also used to embed positive affirmations into our brain landscape making us more likely to attract positive outcomes. For more information please see www.havening.org

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